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Showing posts from 2020

tensixzero launch

tensixzero in the time of COVID-19 (aka Wuhan/Chinese coronavirus, kung flu) As I kick off this personal blog focused on business, finance, and investing with the objective of reaching $10 million (ten six zero) in net worth sooner than later, the world is on Day 80 of an extraordinary event and scary pandemic.  What was a novel virus that started in Wuhan China in December 2019 has spread and now become a global crisis, sickening likely hundreds of thousands resulting and leading to an estimated 2-3% mortality.  Countries like China, Italy, and Iran are shutting down to slow the spread. In the San Francisco Bay Area, all residents (including myself) are under a Shelter in Place order to primarily stay home for 3 weeks, avoid catching this, and further fuel the spread.  Essential Businesses are continuing operations to serve their communities but all non core activities and businesses across the U.S. have effectively come to a grinding halt.  Federal, state, and local governments a