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tensixzero launch

tensixzero in the time of COVID-19 (aka Wuhan/Chinese coronavirus, kung flu)

As I kick off this personal blog focused on business, finance, and investing with the objective of reaching $10 million (ten six zero) in net worth sooner than later, the world is on Day 80 of an extraordinary event and scary pandemic.  What was a novel virus that started in Wuhan China in December 2019 has spread and now become a global crisis, sickening likely hundreds of thousands resulting and leading to an estimated 2-3% mortality.  Countries like China, Italy, and Iran are shutting down to slow the spread.

In the San Francisco Bay Area, all residents (including myself) are under a Shelter in Place order to primarily stay home for 3 weeks, avoid catching this, and further fuel the spread.  Essential Businesses are continuing operations to serve their communities but all non core activities and businesses across the U.S. have effectively come to a grinding halt.  Federal, state, and local governments are now taking material actions which are good, but unfortunately far too late.

What is a health crisis at this moment is creating a larger global financial and economic crisis that will take a significant amount of time to address and resolve.  The all time highs in the stock markets are already a distant past and the indices have now fallen significantly:

  • DJIA (peak / current / % drop): 29,568 / 19,898 / -32.7%
  • S&P 500 (peak / current / % drop): 3,393 / 2,280 / -32.8%
  • Nasdaq (peak / current / % drop): 9,838 / 6,686 / -32.0%
Significant amounts of wealth and business value have been destroyed, erased, wiped out already and I am afraid we have not yet seen the worst. 

Although I would give everything to have avoided this altogether and would not have wished this on anyone, this is the reality we are living in and it is out of our individual control.  However, do take comfort that there are a few silver linings to all of this and socially permissible ways to benefit from these events.

I will be digesting the events and news for the coronavirus for the foreseeable months ahead and capturing my analysis and takeaways here.  Predictions will be made and individual actions will be made to take advantage of the once in a lifetime opportunities presented to invest in the "new world" as well as battered but not broken businesses.

Questions I will cover include but are not limited to:

  • How did we end up here and what was the writing on the wall that we fatally missed?
  • At what point will COVID-19 be controlled in the U.S. and globally?
  • What will be the new normal for the world as a result of the coronavirus?
  • What are the impacts to the local, U.S., and global economies?
  • What companies are best positioned to succeed...
    • During the stages of the pandemic?
    • As a result of controlling and hopefully stopping the virus?
    • Coming out of the pandemic into the new world?
    • During the normalization and return to growth of the economy again
  • When will the stock markets have reached the bottom and when is it safe to invest again?
  • How are businesses adapting?
  • What could I have done better during this event?

Join along for the ride in these tumultuous times.  Follow and share your thoughts.  Make some money by following the smart money, and turn your whole perspective on this event upside down.  Make it a positive life changer; take advantage of a once in a lifetime opportunity.  We will multiply our capital in the process.

... To all those affected, we are one in unity and together.  We will get through this.  Pain and death is inevitable; don't fear it.  Embrace it.  Remember and learn from those that have been taken from us too early.  Stay safe.



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